Monday, March 11, 2013

It's a sweet life

My grandkids.... make life a little sweeter!

This little blue-eyed boy just melts my heart!
"hi grandma, come and get me"

Went shopping with sweetie-pie, came home with new Jammies, 
"Yo gaba gaba", what ever happened to Barney  :)

 Sunday afternoon coffee with my favorite "coffee" drinking pal.
Our special time together...oh my heart


Jen said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love how special those little ones are to you and the incredible blessing your role in their lives will be:)

granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very cute

Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You said it right Jen :)

Love the blog as always :)