Tuesday, June 5, 2012

One day last week

My daughter, grandbaby and I headed downtown
for something to do.

 The Peace Plaza is always a hit
 I think every child's dream is to play in the big fountain

 Posing for grandma, Soon there will be another little one in the picture :)

 Audrey hangin' out with Will & Charlie

and literally hangin' on Mother Alfred
I swear this girl is part monkey!!!


granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh how great the pictures are.

Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love the new background and colors and pictures! That was a fun day downtown. I like how her toe is pointed in the 1st pic, heehee. So sweet :)

Jen said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

We have such a fun downtown in Rochester:)