Thursday, May 31, 2012

Her Headband

 Tonight i came over to watch Audrey so her daddy could play softball (mamma's at work)
When I came in the door she quickly told me she needed to go upstairs and get her headband on.
so off she went... put in her headband
yep..all by herself she put that headband in

Not bad for such a small boo :)


Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a sweetheart! I love how she puts them in :) Such a beautiful little face, I just love her. Thanks for coming over tonight!

granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So sweet.

Jackie Sommers said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

is it possible that that girl is getting more and more gorgeous every day? wow.

Megan said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

she looks like she has a little up-do going on. it's pretty cute!