Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Winter Jammies"

Had a little special time with Audrey tonight. 
I watched both kids while mommy & daddy were at work. When Chris came home,  Audrey asked him  if she could go have "coffee" with grandma. (We had talked about it before "daddy" came home)
He was Down with it, so off we went......

Another stop was made at walmart for some "winter jammies"
Just because :)
 Hello Kitty was the winner, the runner up was dora (maybe for Christmas)

 Grandpa came home and constructed a tent for us to play in
Grandpa is the master tent builder

Love spending time with sweet Audrey, she's growing up fast. 

While at Walmart tonight, Audrey asked me to go around to to the other side of the isle so she could decide which jammies to get (she was sooooo excited).  The sales lady stopped by to ask Audrey if she was having a hard time choosing, Audrey replied with a "Yes" but went on to talk the lady's ear off. All about the decision making process, how they have to be "warm & Cozy" for winter.  The lady helped Audey get the Jammies since they were too high to reach.  
After we thanked the lady for helping, the lady looked at me with a smile and said,
"She's a deep thinker".....  Yep she is   :)
 Chris & Carson came over to hang out
Love his little face.


Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

oh that is so sweet :) I knew when I came home from work there would be a update for me to read :) I saw her clothes in a bag, so I figured she got somethings new. I peeked on her in her bed and there she is,all cozy in her new jams. I love the descripition of her picking them out, such a thinker. Glad she got a special time with you, can only imagine how thrilled she was :)

granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very sweet.time with grandma.

Minnesota Prairie Roots said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ah, what a sweet story.

And I like, especially like, that Grandpa builds tents. I have so many fond childhood memories of tent building.