Sunday, September 30, 2012

We pulled and all-day'r

Yesterday we had the grandkids from morning to night!
They are such sweet little ones, and we had such a good time with them!
Our two oldest and their spouses, Brice & Jen, and Brianna & Chris planned a day at the renaissance festival. Nothing warms a mamma's heart more than knowing that her adult kids are still getting together and keeping in touch. We were glad to help that happen!

 The sweet-peas

 Our youngest, Gavin was home most of the day, Audrey was in her glory!
Here she's putting a princess crown on uncle Gavin's head.... he's such a good sport. 
Carson and grandpa are playing Patty cake (with his feet)

 This girl loves to clean and help grandma with projects, here she's scrubbing the siding  :)
cleaning the deck and furniture 
 I love watching her pick up the huge watering can to water my flowers, it's 
almost as big as her.

Carson's sweet little face, he was such a good boy!

I am a grandma in love!!!


Cheri said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I could have used Audrey's help today!

granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Such a good little helper. She helped Greatgrandpa clear off the table after dinner last night.

Minnesota Prairie Roots said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That photo of Grandpa playing patty-cake with Carson's feet and Audrey crowning Gavin is precious, just precious. Also, if Little Miss Audrey ever desires to clean other than at your house, send her my way.