Thursday, September 6, 2012

The little ones

Yesterday, I had just Carson while his mom & sister had a special date.
We had a nice time together....
alot of "goo-goo's and gaa-gaa's on my part 
and a few coo's from baby boy.

Gavin had the day off so he was able to spend some time with his nephew

 and his niece after she returned from her date with mommy.
 We had a bit of a storm the night before so they were helping
 to pick up all the branches in the yard.
Audrey decided she had to unmake my bed and get in it.  Oh that girl  :)
I think my daughter missed her boy  


Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

sweet blog :) I did miss my boy! Love all the pics as usual!