Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweet ones

It's just been so hot and steamy the last couple weeks, 
but playing outside is still fun for a little one.
One day this week Audrey simply stopped playing and said, 
" I need a bath"

When our kids were little (and filthy dirty) we stop them right in the utility room and bathe them before they could step foot into the rest of the house.
 Audrey loves to take a bath in the utility tub, It's fun for her!
 Cooling off!

Sweet baby Carson chillin' in his car seat on their way back home. 

Love my grandbabies, and I cant get enough of them!!!


granny said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love grandbabies and greatgrandbabies. sURE WISH i HAD MORE.:)

Brianna said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha Grandma. I bet there will be another baby boom in the next couple years :) Audrey sure loves that tub!!!!

Megan said...[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey Gran..just give it time...i'm sure it won't be long. :) What a cute little pic of her in the tub! rub a dub dub!